Cloudme Implements Queue management software in National Cement Factory Abu Dhabi
National Cement Factory, UAE located in Abu Dhabi had many problems regarding their queue systems.
The trucks entering and leaving the premises needed to be monitored more closely for better production and increased work pace.
Cloudme Queue management software is a very easy software to install and very practical for employees of National cement factory to operate.
The software is one of its kind and has been designed to suit the queue system of the factory and maintain it with minimum hassles.
The operations of the factory are manifolds. The number of trucks carrying various raw materials and goods in and out of the premises are many at a time.
Therefore a queue management system allotting different time schedules for different trucks help in aligning the total process flow.
Each truck can be easily tracked using our software on when it entered and left the premises improving logistics and inventory management.
Time saving software
Using our software a lot of time can be saved for truck drivers in unnecessary waiting and road blocks.
In the absence of Cloudme Queue management software all the truck drivers will enter the premises without any restrictions resulting in creation of blocks inside the premises.
This is a major problem as productivity is decreased due to the creation of unnecessary blocks.
Our innovative software helps to tackle this situation very smoothly. Each truck driver will be given the token and against it the time to leave or enter the premises giving them the luxury to utilize their time wisely instead of unnecessary hang ups in long queues.
This also helps to avoid the situation of many trucks entering the premises at a single time leading to road blocks.
This helps to increase the efficiency of the factory since the number of loads leaving and entering the premises are streamlined making the loading, unloading process easier and faster.
Another unique feature of Cloudme queue management software is that even if a truck driver has to enter through another counter he need not go there physically and change the token.
Our integrated software helps to generate the token from a different counter and thus speed up the whole business process. The compact and robust queue management software from Cloudme is both useful and relevant for the business activities of National cement factory, UAE.
We at Cloudme software solutions provide comprehensive software solution to all industries based on their requirements.
At National cement factory, UAE they had an issue with maintaining their truck queues. We understood their situation exactly and developed a Queue management software which is nothing short of perfect to help them tackle the situation easily.
We did a case study and made the Cloudme Queue management software to enhance and speed up the queue system of National Cement factory, UAE to once again prove that the Cloudme Queue management system is a must have for your business.
Our focus is on happy clients and we are elated to add one more feather to our cap in the form of National Cement factory, UAE.